Transvaal Classic – Silhouette (14/9/2023)

John-R Jones

Wolwehoek Shooting Club hosted the Transvaal Classic on behalf of Gauteng Metallic Silhouette Shotting Association (GMSSA).  This was a 40 shot per items event, with 39 entries and 179 items being shot which equates 8055 shots being fired over the three days.

The club did make a reasonable profit being paid 60% of the income GMSSA earned from entry fees and event fees which amounted to R8 232 and with expenses of R2 620 meant we ended with a profit from hosting of R5 612.  The range improvements we undertook before the shoot cost R7 521 which left Wolwehoek with a net expense of approximately R2000 for the materials and labour to clad the shooting points.

Preparations for the shoot included cladding of the Big-Bore Handgun and Small-Bore Handgun shelters in order to afford the shooters some protection from the wind (at least to prevent their score cards and personal items from being blown away, which has happened in the past.

We also fabricated and installed adjustable/removable sunshade awning to shield the shooters from the afternoon sun.  The feedback was once again very positive, but some observations were made regarding the field pistol shooting point in that we discriminated against the field target shooter, not having that shelter enclosed/clad to shield them from the wind. 

Also, some of the shooters participating in the Big Bore rifle events gave up before completing their 40 shots because the wind was buffeting them to such an extent, they were in danger of developing bad habits with respect to proper trigger control; something needs to be done there to shelter shooters from the wind. The drawing below is proposed in order to provide that.