John-R Jones
Saturday 2nd July was small bore club champs’ day; we shot .22 scoped (field target), .22 open sight and .22 pistol or sport silhouette as it is also called.
The range was nice and busy; some shooting scoped rifle whilst others shot sport handgun and open sight. We averaged 8 shooters per leg.
The .22 scoped rifle consisted of the small springbuck at 35m shot sitting over sticks, followed by 5 .22 handgun chickens on the rail at 40m, then the warthog at 50m (both shot standing out the shoulder, no support) with a duiker target at 100m where one shot 3 shots standing over stick for the heart/lung area and then two brain shots sitting over sticks. The shoot is a bit trickier than it may seem; people often get the settings at the 25m wrong, and this was definitely the case this Saturday. Other difficulties included people losing count of the number of rounds shot at the paper targets. This is understandable when shooting at 100m because one can not see the holes in the target even with the telescope turned up to max (Markus), but at 25m you can easily see even at low power, so how Jimmy Bekker managed to drop two shots when the first three were all in the maximum score zone. We did look for doubles but alas not so; whereas Dave Wilson did manage a nearly perfect two shot through one hole, but we managed to pick that up quite easily.
This leg was won by Dave Wilson with a score of 86/100 followed by me (JRJ) on 75 and then by Markus on 73.
Full Score details:

We were well into the competition when I was call on the cell phone by Ronel asking me if there would still be space for Clive, Anso and PD to join the shoot but they wanted to shoot one more round of skeet before coming across; to which I said of cause. Just as I was finishing my .22 scoped shoot, they all arrived. Anso fell straight into the fray and posted as very respectable score in the spot handgun leg of the competition with an unbeaten 55. It was truly a lady’s affair as Berdi had the second-best score of 50; the rest of us followed far behind with the 3rd best score being that posted by James Appleby 35. I tied for last place, with even PD beating me having never shot this before.
Full score details for Sport Handgun:

The .22 open sight is always a fun event with some healthy competitiveness being shared between Jimmy Bekker, James Appleby, Berdi and myself. We did not shoot head-to-head this time, but the tension was still felt (maybe only by me i.e, “speak for yourself”). The results speak for themselves: