Range Officer on Duty

Below is the list of the scheduled Range Officer (RO) on duty for the day. The contact details for each RO will be available at the clubhouse on the day in question. If a member can not do RO duty on his/her allocated day, it’s the member’s responsibility to switch with any other member of Wolwehoek.

NameDate Completed
PD Pretorius14/1/2023
Tom Diedericks21/1/2023
Etienne Burger28/1/2023
Mattie Matthysen4/2/2023
Anso Spencer11/2/2023
John R-Jones18/2/2023
Anso Spencer25/2/2023
Corne Grobler4/3/2023
Anso Spencer11/3/2023
Mattie Matthysen18/3/2023
Tom Diedericks25/3/2023
Deon Rabie1/4/2023
Mark Reeder8/4/2023
Dave Wilson15/4/2023
Lucas Coetzee22/4/2023
Mattie Matthysen29/4/2023
Anso Spencer6/5/2023
Tom Diedericks13/5/2023
Mattie Matthysen27/5/2023
Dave Wilson3/6/2023
Anso Spencer10/6/2023
Mattie Matthysen17/6/2023
Tom Diedericks24/6/2023
Anso Spencer1/7/2023
John R-Jones8/7/2023
PD Pretorius15/7/2023
Sharon Mladina22/7/2023
Mattie Matthysen29/7/2023
Corne Grobler5/8/2023
Anso Spencer12/8/2023
Mattie Matthysen19/8/2023
Douglas Esplin26/8/2023
Heinz Hauck2/9/2023
Lucas Coetzee9/9/2023
Anso Spencer16/9/2023
Etienne Burger23/9/2023
Mattie Matthysen30/9/2023
Tom Diedericks7/10/2023
Anso Spencer14/9/2023
Mattie Matthysen21/10/2023
Lucas Coetzee28/10/2023

What is expected from doing Range Duty?

WSC RO’s Rules & Responsibilities doing duty on Saturdays during Official Shooting Time from 12:00 to17:00 

Report any unsafe conditions or actions of Members or Visitors to senior range officer (SRO) or committee member, and take appropriate action. 

Basic Saturday activities: 

  1. The range officer of the day for Visitor and Normal Official club shooting will only be on duty from 12:00 onwards for members and visitors. 
  2. RO key and remote hanging in Land Owner’s house for RO’s to collect or make other arrangements. 
  3. Ensure the Red Flag is placed at the main entrance of the farm.
  4. Filling in of Blue Cash Book, Cash control, etc. 
  5. Ensure Big Bore (BB) Long Rifle gate is kept closed at all times. 
  6. Ensure visitors are signed in and supported on range. 
  7. After checking the ranges are empty and containers are locked, ensure BB Rifle and .22 rifle ranges & HG gates are locked, keys and red flag returned to mine. 
  8. Ensure visitors understand that ranges are closed at 17:00 during the winter months and 17:30 during summer. 
  9. Ensure the club monies need to be carefully placed in the tray tin and the Blue Book filled in, to ensure the money is correctly allocated. 
  10. Ensure Tuck Shop money is put in Tuck Shop Till tray and managed separate. 
  11. Ensure the weekly wages and one cold drink or beer gets paid to the range maintenance worker, an envelope with date and correct amount of money is in the safe. 
  12. Visitors to checked-in with RO of the day at club house, sign main register, pay and receive visitors’ indemnity proof slip. 
  13. Check “strangers” on ranges whether they are members or visitors who do not have WSC indemnity proof slips and issue with visitor sticker to be displayed on his shirt. 
  14. Accompany Visitors to shooting point and advice and oversee safe shooting. 
  15. Visitors are not legitimate if they have not signed the Indemnity Large Register / and small Form in book. 
  16. Visitors at sanctioned shoots pay R80 and Casual Visitors Pay R180 per occurrence. 
  17. Membership cards are to be laminated for paid up members who request cards. 
  18. Open Tuck Shop at 16:00 when done shooting or arranges with another committee member when Tuck Shop person is not available. 
  19. RO to ensure nothing is out on Tuck Shop Deck before locking up. 
  20. Tuck Shop replenishment fee List is displayed on the fridge. 
  21. Ruling of “last round” to be applied before 18:00 unless Tuck Shop Person wants to stay longer. 
  22. Big Safe to be replenished by Tuck Shop Representative. 
  23. Tuck Shop will be stocked with general liquids, food and snacks as needed and requested by members. 
  24. RO to ensure all bottles and other things are removed from the Tuck Shop Deck ensure safe is locked all lights are off and activate alarm before leaving premises. 
  25. Return the Red Flag at the main entrance of the farm to club house.
  26. Return RO Keys to Land Owner’s house.