Allan Peeters
Ok was a fun shoot but things never work out as they should. Firstly, my double runner turned into a double standing target, not enough weight, but will get that sorted.
The hi ace runner, typical the hi ace did not run either. So, it was a stationary shootout.
John R J let all the smoke out of the electrical control box. So, lots of smoke means no running. I believe he has got a new control box with all the smoke inside still. So hopefully our runner will be running shortly.
The guillotine shoot worked well. It was fast once things started happening, but it was shootable.
The El Pres with the swinger was fun. Not difficult but a decision had to be made. Go fast for time. Or go slow for score.
Standards as usual was challenging 40m shots require trigger control and using sights. Most exercises were 8 seconds. But the last one was 4 seconds, caught most off guard.
We had 22 shooters, was great but I was hoping to have the ranges built but Donald never pitched, so everyone pitched in and built ranges, thanks guys.
Results as follows.
Johan won but been a spring chicken it did not count; you have to b an old man or woman. Over 50 years young… SO…
- Fanie Otto
- Erik Smid
- Lucas Coetzee

The rest of the results are on Practiscore.
For clarification of who is an old man according to SAPSA!
Senior – Competitors who are over the age of 50 on the first day of the match.
Super Senior – Competitors who are over the age of 60 on the first day of the match. A Super Senior has the option of electing to shoot in Senior Category, but not in both. If there are insufficient competitors for Super Senior Category to be recognized, all competitors registered in this Category will automatically be transferred to Senior Category.