John-R Jones
Saturday 2 September was the second of the two planned field target competitions for .22 rimfire scoped rifles. The field target format:

- Springbuck – 5 shots at 30m sitting with shooting sticks.
- 5 Handgun Chickens at 40m standing unsupported.
- Hyaena – 5 shots at 50m standing unsupported, (changed because I ran out of warthog targets).
- Duiker – 3 shots Heart/Lung area at 100m standing with shooting sticks.
- Duiker – 2 Head shots at 100m sitting with shooting sticks.
Scoring: Paper targets; Kill shots 5 points (Head or Heart/Lung) & 3 points spine or outer rings, other hits anywhere on body 1 point, Silhouettes 5 points for knock down only, i.e., max score is 5 x 20 = 100.
We were once again only 6 shooters who participated; we missed Allan Peeters, Tom and Markus who normally add to our numbers. For me it was nice to be back in action with good friends and feel the weight of a rifle in my hands and to smell the scent of burnt gunpowder in the morning.
The wind was quite a challenge needing at least 2 MOA left adjustment at 100m but still none of the first 4 shooters were unable score very well on the duiker at 100; Dave had settings problems, forgetting to adjust from chickens to rams setting, putting his two head shots 8” too low and slightly right. He fixed his mistake and shot three perfect shots in the 5, standing with sticks. In our conversations I mentioned to the first 4 (Anso and Clive had not yet arrived), that I had observed Anso scoring full score on the 100m (jackal) on a previous shoot; well along comes Anso and proves the point by scoring full score on the duiker at 100m; Well done that lady.

The top 5 were:
1. | John Rutherfoord-Jones | 75 |
2. | Jimmy Bekker | 72 |
3. | Sharon Mladina | 72 |
4. | Dave Wilson | 67 |
5. | Anso Spencer | 64 |

The next shoot will be the Field Target format, see you all there.