OK so it wasn’t a super moon, my mistake. It was about a ¾ moon.
Thank goodness the wenches came to the party.
Thanks, Anso and Louise for the great brew that you concocted for us. A chauder one, and a pea and ham one it was great. Thanks to Anso the closest wench to the scene of the festivities for boiling the cauldron and keeping it warm and supplying the buns to go with it.
All the ranges were set when shooters started arriving. We held a briefing under the afdak. As usual safety was paramount, we had 13 shooters. The shoot was along the lines of the previous ones I have set.
I thought it was lekker, the feedback was good. I wonder why we don’t do it more often.
I know…. Because Allan doesn’t do it more often. The guy is 70 years old, and getting tired, don’t you think someone else can do it??????
Thanks to a few new faces Steven Bennitt who helped with RO’ing, was nice to see you there.
The night owl winner was Johan Seyffert, well done that man.
The one that died the most was Lesly, she received the doodskus.
The kier afterwards was as usual great.
The results are on Practiscore.