The Big Pot – Mini Match #2

Allan Peeters

OK it’s not something I shoot, ok, I do some silhouettes, but I’m not a SAMSA member, a serious silhouette shooter.

It’s fun, what I like, is there is job satisfaction if you hit it, it falls over. Nothing like clobbering a ram at 500 meters.

I was on the farm fixing my dam, so was around at 7 o’clock in the morning in the winter. Pretty cold then.

John starts at that time, with Donald and Clement.  (If he is there).

He sets up a zillion silhouettes from huge 500-meter rams to airguns tiny chickens at 18-meters. Lots of them 5 to a stand. 4 stands to a range.

Depending how many ranges. 20 silhouettes to a range. Chickens, Pigs, Turkey, Rams.

There are lots of ranges. Big bore, small bore, varmint, handgun. airgun.

Some ranges have three sets of silhouettes.

There are lots of disciplines something like 24.

Big guns, small guns, heavy guns, light guns, pistols, big ones, small ones, light ones, different sights.  Airguns, big ones, small ones. lots of disciplines, get the picture?

John does all the entries, squadding, scoring, and stats, AND all the work in the ranges.

What do you do?

You enter, you get a time slot, you pitch up at that time, you shoot, your spotter scores you, you pack up and go home…. lekker ne.

The thing that really gets to me, there is no prize giving, no interaction in the clubhouse. OK, they talk a lot of K@k on the range. But no socialising afterwards. No prize giving. You don’t know how you did at the end of the day…… no nothing…. Ag shame man.

After all of Johns’ hard work???

DON’T FORGET…  Who must put all the silhouettes away?  Donald and Clement. (If he is there)