Results – SB 1 (7/1/2023)

John-R Jones

Welcome back to the shooting at Wolwehoek 2023; the first day of shooting and the first small bore rimfire rifle shoot.

First the day was also designated as a workday, so Donald and Alix Gradwell (Representing Clive and Anso Spenser) were hard at work with the weed eaters cutting the long grass on the front and back of the dirt berms. I pushed the 3-wheeler around for about an hour cleaning up the long bits of grass left behind by the tractor mower, so I was amazed that I was able to shoot at all after that exercise (my fitness or lack thereof is reflected in my score as seen below).

For the first day we have an exceptional turnout; 14 members participated including four new members; Conrad van Schalkwyk and his family; Debbie (Wife), Izak (Son) and Cornelia (daughter).  There were four members who popped around who did not shoot, I don’t know why. We accommodated 4 shooters per squad, so weighting time were not so long.

As stated in the heading the shoot format was “Fat Silhouettes.” That this means is that we shoot at small bore handgun or small-bore open sight size targets which as much larger than the standard small bore scoped rifle targets.  At the 77m and 100m distances shooters were given a choice in that if they desired to shoot from “mik-sticks,” they could but then they had to shoot at the standard SBR silhouettes; quit a few participants chois this option, and where to the large part were very happy with the results, although all the top 7 placed shooters but one, shot out of the shoulder.

The top 5 were:

1.Tom Diedericks80
2.Allan Peeters80
3.Clive Spencer75
4.Conrad van Schalkwyk70
5.Dave Wilson70

The final scores for the RF 1 (.22) event is shown below:

The next shoot will be the Field Target format, see you all there.