Results – SB #2 Fat Silhouette (1/7/2023)

John-R Jones

Saturday 1st of July we held our second Fat Silhouettes club Champs. It was nice to see the positive turnout; we had 13 participants in all, two of whom were juniors; Joshua Coetzee and Waldo Potgieter (Jacques’s son).

The shoot comprises of standard handgun silhouettes at 40, 60, 77 and 100m, these are shot without support; or alternatively one could shoot the handgun chickens and pigs standing without support and then shoot the standard small bore rifle turkeys at 77m sitting with sticks, followed by the standard small bore rifle rams at 100m standing with sticks.  We did however allow some to shoot all standard small-bore rifle standing with sticks for chickens, pigs and rams and the turkeys sitting with sticks.

Some suffered bravely but made heavy weather of the turkeys, as large as they are only those shooting over supports managed to hit all 5 of the handgun turkeys down. Allan Peeters scored 100% knocking all 20 animals over, using his spring sprung tripod which allows him to compete with only one arm and a damaged right hand. WELL DONE Allan!

It was good to have Oom Booyens shot this club champs although his is still in a daze having just lost the love of his life. Our deepest condolences and heart felt prayers for him and his family, Tannie June was just days away from her 80th birthday.