Results – Air Gun 4

Allan Peeters

What a great day for shooting Air Gun, no wind, sun shining into the afdak, sitting in the sunshine like dassies. Lekker man. Silhouettes standing out like dinner plates.

As you can see was a great day for shooting, lekker warm, baie goed om te skiet.

We had on average 9 shooters, we missed Dawie and Berdie, they are part of the furniture at the Air Gun shoots.

We had Scoped Air Rifle. Bloody small in size, (free range animals bietjie maer), but with the scope on 20 power they are huge, en hulle is net hier by jou voete. Maar ohhhh bl!ksem die bewerasies, jy sien hulle net verbygaan. So, dit is soos vools skiet, as hy verby bewe, mo#r hom. Net nie flinch… SMOOTH.

En jy moet seker wees in watter trop kalkoene jy skiet. Of vertell dan net jou spotter.

Results as follows (Max = 100):

  1. Jimmy B (80)
  2. Jacques P (75)
  3. Markus D (70)
  4. Sharon-lady (60)
  5. Tom D (55)
  6. Dave and Allan (40)
  7. Jaco Vd (20)

Then we had Open Sight Air Rifle, in die kraal gevoer, hulle was darm in beter kondiessie, mooi vet. Maar as jy deur die vesiere loer verdwyn hulle agter die voorste mikke.

Results as follows, here Allan’s Feinwerkbau won three times. But the ruling applies if you beat the gun owners score, you forfeit it to him. The bastards saw what I scored, and they shot exactly the same score… BASTARDS.

Results as follows (Max = 100):

  1. Allan, Jimmy, and John (95)
  2. Jacques (90)
  3. Clive (85)
  4. Tom (60)
  5. Anso-lady (35)

I decided something different, 10 meters indoor shoot. I brought a Bekker box, Jimmy made them for the airgun shoots long ago. It’s anOlympic sport 10 meters indoor shoot. But in Africa we shoot it outdoors, ons is nie sissies nie. The bull is the size of the pellet, so its target shooting with a small target. It indexes automatically, you are only allowed 2 shots per target. Was fun you could shoot it scoped or open sights. And of course, Feinwerkbau won three times, but this gun is built specifically for 10m indoor shooting. Bl!ksems swaar.

Results as follows (Max = 100):

  1. Allan (91) okay, oor my sakkie…
  2. Jimmy (78)
  3. John (74)
  4. Dave (72)
  5. Dylan (61)
  6. Sharon-lady (59)
  7. Clive (50)
  8. Sharia-lady (48) think its spelt like that, julle moet mooi skryf…
  9. Anso-lady (23)

We also shot handgun, here not so many shooters. Also kraal gevoer, maar hulle is darrem nou lekker vet. Maar die versiere is d@nners groot ook, hulle verdwyn agter hulle. Dan moet jy nog een oog toemaak.

Results as follows (Max = 100):

  1. Jacques (65)
  2. Jaco (45)
  3. John (30)
  4. Allan (10)

And then of course off to the bar, I have organised for something to eat at all the shoots JAFFELS, sweet curry and plain mince. I was worried about the curry, maar hulle is d@nners lekker, try them. At R25 a pop… ek dink dis a bargain, then of course you can drink more beer, as you are not on an empty stomach.