Results – IPSC #1 (28/1/2023)

Allan Peeters

Ok our shooting time starting at 8.00 registration then building ranges and staring to shoot at 10. I had 3 visitors arriving at 8 o’clock, and eventually members started showing up. Kom manne 8 is 8.

It worked out well, there were 5 stages. But it was as HOT as the hinges of hell.

The assault was a big shoot, apparently, according to the SAPSA rules, no stage may be longer than 32 shots. We had 32 shots. But they did not allow for plates which made it a 40 rounder… and then some.

Tyre range, nice shoot, a swinger at the end of the range, with some targets and hostages on the way to the swinger. Some guys just stood at the back and moved left to right, not going forward. Whatever blows your hair back.

On public range we had a bopper target, it gave some hassles with re-shoots. But non the less, was fun. But because it remains visible most shooters did not worry about it bopping, they just shot it as a normal speed with the bopper remaining visible… It defeated the object of the bopper.

The standards range was nice, down the center. Quite a big shoot for the standards range but it fitted. Luckily, I got Donald to mow the range in the morning, the grass was quite long.

We had to have plates… 8 in a row mag change, 3 targets, Virginia count. Was lekker. Some guys forgot the mag change, even though he was the RO, and ran a few shooters through it before his turn. “When the buzzer goes” headspace!!!

All in all, I liked it, thanks to range builders and range packers away.

Don’t think I like the early shooting.  But at least we don’t build ranges in the heat of the day, and most shooting is finished by 1 o clock. So yes. But it makes it a loooong afternoon.

I think we lose some shooters because some guys are still working or shopping

Thanks to Fanie and Johan and the guys. Interesting shoots, some very easy if you shot at them and some difficult ranges had to think a bit.

Results on Practiscore. I got some training on how to decipher it thanks Erik. So here are some results.


  1. Mattie Matthysen
  2. Allan Peeters


  1. Johan Otto
  2. Pieter Fourie
  3. Erik Smid


  1. Fanie Otto
  2. Johann Seyffert
  3. Robert Braid


  1. Johan Otto
  2. Fanie Otto
  3. Pieter Fourie

The current standings for Wolwehoek Club Champs IPSC is tabled below. This log only includes Wolwehoek Club members.