Results – Shotgun (7/5/2022)

PD Pretorius

So, we had 14 competitors for the ATA Trap Club Champs! The scores were not to talk about in any respect, the light was bad, and clays was difficult to see for the day. The winning score was a mere 21 for the day… Shameful score to win but a win is a win if I may quote Theo! Anyway, it was a great day at Wolwehoek with a lot of fun and banter along the way. Uncle Allan or should I say, “man van Carbon fiber” was also on the line giving us some competition.

Not to be let out of the limelight, Marcus on his chair started smoking each clay on his first station, and we all had it in our minds that a chair may be the answer to the Trap discipline’s dark cloud hanging over it! We need to seriously break the curse of the ATA Trap discipline!

But it seems that the Trap curse spilled over to the Skeet range as well! The winning score for the day was a 20!!!! To quote uncle Allan, “Theo jy het maar k@k geskiet vandag vir jou standaarde”… Ronel replied… “ Oom Allan that was the winning score!?????” So yes, Wolwehoek has something going on at the shotgun ranges, it seems like we are releasing more clays than bringing them down.

Still, it was a fun day out with our Wolwehoek family!!! Thank you all for the day and participation.

ATA Trap top guns was as follows:

  1. PD Pretorius 21
  2. Theo Holtzhausen 20
  3. Clive Spencer 20

Skeet top guns:

  1. Theo Holtzhausen 20
  2. Allan Peeters 19
  3. PD Pretorius 19

Please find the results for the ATA Trap event below:

Please find the results for the Skeet event below:

Club Champs 2022 Log

ATA Trap Log

Skeet Log