The Big Pot – Dismal Turnout!!!

Allan Peeters

What a dismal turnout.

We had 8 shooters for the day. Thank God for three 3-gun shoot, were it not for them, we would have been 4 shotgun shooters.

Clive, Anso, Tom, and myself.

The new clays seam to be working well with a few no birds but not to bad. It just seams all the scores are terrible. Can’t fathom it out, our Hi-gun was a 17, which Tom shot, then 2 x 15 and then 3 x 13. Not our usual scores???

I have asked Donald to collect all the pickups and keep them one side, I want to check for holes in the clays. Maybe we must swap them around and put the biodegradable clays in the skeet range. Lots closer and we can “moer” them properly.

3 gun was lekker but few shooters, was nice seeing Pikkie there. But not much of a turnout. Went quickly. Pikkie won the day with a 294.

The social afterwards was lekker but it’s the usual few shooters.

I think seriously we must go to shooting 2 x a month. All the organization that goes into preparing ranges, putting out silhouettes, targets, cutting grass, packing clay machines, sorting ROs, stocking bar, locking up after the last two. Every single weekend. REALY!!!

Not worth this every weekend sh!t!

I think the first weekend and the 3rd weekend.

There are more than enough ranges to accommodate the various disciplines twice a month.

The other weekends the ranges are CLOSED NO SHOOTING. Lock the friking gates. Come next weekend!!!!