The Big Pot – Cyberspace

Allan Peeters

Now that we have a web page “http/, and another WhatsApp group, things might improve. We send out shooting updates on Wolwehoek Shooting Club . On this group of 82 people, someone must get the message. My fo@#k we can’t force you to open the page maar kyk net.

We had a vote thingy, to see if combat should start early… “please let us know on the handgun chat”. Bl!ks@m I think 8 people responded, and the majority vote carried. I think it was 4 to 3. And on this group, here are 43 people…f*kk!t mense, se jou se. Ons Kannie ammekar julle gatte lek nie.

Ok so, now by the power of democracy we start:  Range building from 8.30. (I of course supervise with the old guys). We started shooting at 10. I don’t know… don’t really like it because we finish shooting at 1 o clock. Fine, what then? Go home???? F#cc!t I’m here to shoot.

I know, after shooting 5 stages, standing in the sun, and supervising. Ek is bl!ks@ms moeg. Ek soek net n stoel, skadiwee en n lekker bier… daar begin die k@k. Ek drink te veel praat teveel en dit is dan nou eers kwart oor een…. F#k!t. Ek hak vas tot sononder, soos gewoonlik, drink te veel bier, dan moet ek AL die pad huistoe bestuur. NEEE.

Ek hou van na skiet, sit rustig n bier of twee, dalk n worsie braai, kyk die sononder gaan, dis mos mooi. Dit is moelik om dit van af 1 uur te doen… Tried that this weekend, naderaand wou ek die donnerse son met klippe gooi.

Maar Fanie dit was n moerse lekker skiet!!!

Other stuff

By now you have seen it finally caught up to me, we are out there, in the web that http world of stuff I can’t fully understand. Everything you need to know, find out, snoop, and diagnose is at your fingertips.

Thanks to PD his patience, coaching and explaining over and over. Creating things links, Dropbox stuff and gun club link so that I can send stuff to him… He might be sorry later.

So now you get it directly from the horse’s mouth, results from shoot immediately, on our web under the relevant discipline that you shoot… That is if discipline leaders do their job of course. And if you bother going to the website, “http/”, of so iets.

Don’t know if practiscore will interface (I think that’s the word used for this stuff) with this website of ours, but it will be nice to get everything here on our website. And not having to go round searching for handgun scores in that other web. I have tried to decipher results on practiscore, not much luck there. I get lots of results can’t make head or tail out of them.

We are getting feedback, Robbie Crawford Brunt an old member, member nr 6 has commented on it and says it brought back lots of fond memories. Nice to get.

And then you get the guys who just complain about grammar, we are a shooting club, not a law firm or literary English society. We don’t refer to the Royal Oxford Concise dictionary… We are just a bunch of Afrikaans shooters who try.