Shotgun Club Shoot #2

Allan Peeters

The second one for the year. More shooters than the first one. We shot Trap and Skeet.
For the first one only Trap.
The monthly mug your best round of the day. The club champion you must nominate before you shoot it.
Not to Shure of how many Trap shooters there, were for February maybe 10.
Trap I know the February monthly mug was won by Theo with a full house of 25 mooi so!
The Trap club champion score to get carried over, I’m not Shure, but I know Theo shot a 24 for his nominated round which could have given him a 50 straight. AMPER. I assume he is also the trap champion for February.
The skeet went ok, I think maybe 5 shooters.
The February monthly mug went to Sean with a full house 25 straight, well done that man finally got to shooting 2 low house duck stations in a row.
The February club champion went to 3 of us who shot a 22. Bennie myself and Theo.
The club champion scores get carried on till your best 5 score. There are 9 shoots. The November one might result in a shoot off if there is a tie…
Anyway, someone will write a report with all the scores on it I’m Shure.

Please refer to the competition results page of shotgun for more information.