Results – Shotgun 100 #1 (6/04/2024)

Shotgun 100 report

Well well I suppose you get those days as well. Forecast of rain and cloudy overcast. But us shooters are determined to shoot. Not Fairweather shooters.

Had a kak turnout but I think it had a lot to do with the weather. Only 5 diehards arrived.

We actually set up a sporting range, with the hope of shooting. Would have been great to shoot, because of the rain, their feathers would have been wet, and could not fly so fast. Also, the hen and chick, the chick has grown quite big now, (it was not a super-minnie but a midi). Would have been easier to shoot.

We started with trap… the overcast and orange clays made it terrible; you could not see shit, really crappy shooting conditions. The highest score was a 20. Tom. I don’t think he was aware of how shitty it was, (we told him afterwards) he said “Ooe”. Well shot that man.

Then off to trap doubles and the rain started threatening, but onwards we pressed. Only shot the first stand and it started raining so we retreated into the clubhouse. Also, the machine started giving problems.

Because of been so cold and wet, we decided to have one for the foul weather, and get warm.

Then Roman and Jacques pitched and said, “you can’t stand on one leg”, which led to another round. Then we needed a third round to stabilise, as two wasn’t doing the trick.

The weather cleared up, and we could have finished the competition, but we were too stable then.

And that was the rest of our shooting. Talking shit and trying to stabilise some more.

What a great way to finish of a shoot.

We are going to try next weekend, depending on the weather.

Just some info. Roman and Jacques are going to shoot the World Shoot in Bloemfontein and Roman is in the Austrian shooting team. We wish him all the best.